
Tips For Keeping Your Window Treatments Elegant And Understated

There's certainly nothing wrong with luxurious layers of colored and patterned window treatments. Perhaps you want your window treatments to be understated, though. Hang elegant draperies so the rest of your décor remains the focus. Hang Only a Single Layer A simple method for keeping your window treatments elegant is to eschew layering. Instead, choose a single set of curtain panels in a color that matches your décor. Either choose solid panels or look for modest patterns.

Tips For Staging Your Condo To Sell

If you own a condo and want to move, you are likely going to need to stage your house in order to make sure that your condo looks as good as possible to prospective buyers. Here are some tips for getting your condo in a state that will appeal to as many prospective buyers as possible. 1. Manage Your Storage Space One problem that some people have with condos is that they feel like the condos don't have enough space for all of their personal possessions.

Can You Strip Paint Off Of Wooden Cabinets?

If you're a homeowner with DIY inclinations and have old, painted cabinets, you may find yourself wondering whether or not the paint can be stripped from your old wooden cabinets, or if a new cabinet installation is necessary to achieve your goals. In many cases, old paint can be removed, following this procedure. You may want to test this process on one drawer or door of your cabinets before doing it to all of your cabinets.

Three Things To Consider When Choosing Carpet For Your Home

Carpet is more than just a flooring selection in a room. Carpet also serves as an accent. The wrong color carpet in a room can easily have a negative influence on the overall look of the space. For this reason, it's important that you choose your carpet color and style wisely. Here are some of the things you want to consider during the selection process. Function The first thing you want to consider is the function of a particular room, such as a bedroom or living room.

3 Ways Window Coverings Can Make Your Air Conditioner More Efficient

Enhancing the natural efficiency of your air conditioner can keep your rooms cooler and your electric bill lower. There are a variety of expensive ways you can increase that efficiency from planting more trees around your home to tinting your windows. But strategic use of special window coverings is a cheaper and effective way to make your air conditioner work better with less effort. Here are a few of the window coverings you can try depending on your air conditioner type and home layout.